About Eyre Square Centre

Eyre Square Centre is Galway City liveliest and most attractive meeting place, incorporating over 70 shops including a mix of local Irish retailers as well as the best known brands from the high street including Penneys, New Look, JD Sports, DV8, Specsavers, Vera Moda, Jack and Jones, Dunnes Stores, Regatta and many more. As well as our leading mix of fashion and leisure retailers, Eyre Square Shopping Centre has a selection of cafe style eateries offering shoppers a range of choices from tasty nibbles to coffee and snacks.
Tá Ionad na Faiche Móire ar an láthair chruinnithe is beomhaire agus is tarraingtí i nGaillimh, le os cionn 70 siopa ar a n-áirítear meascán de mhiondíoltóirí áitiúla Éireannacha chomh maith le brandaí mór le rá na mórshráide, ar a n-áirítear Penneys, New Look, JD Sports, DV8, Specsavers, Vera Moda, Jack and Jones, Dunnes Stores, Regatta agus neart eile. Chomh maith le meascán de mhórshiopaí faisin agus fóillíochta, tá rogha de chaiféanna beaga freisin, a thairgíonn raon leathan soláistí blasta, chomh maith le caife agus sneaiceanna dár gcustaiméirí le fáil in Ionad na Faiche Móire.
Who would believe the medieval city walls are actually located on the inside of the Eyre square shopping centre. This Historic and unique wall can be viewed by popping into the centre.
An gcreidfeá go bhfuil ballaí meánaoiseacha na cathrach suite taobh istigh d’Ionad na Faiche Móire? Is féidir na ballaí stairiúla agus speisialta seo a fheiceáil ach bualadh isteach chuig an Ionad
Here at Eyre Square Shopping Centre, we provide all the facilities you need to make your shopping experience that little bit easier.
Anseo in Ionad na Faiche Móire tá na háiseanna ar fad a theastaonn chun do chuid shiopadóireachta a dháanamh náos asca.
- Customer Service Desk (On the First Floor. Our Security Officers will help you with locating stores, Gift Card purchases, Lost & Found, Transport information and any other queries or comments you may have)
- Deasc um Sheirbhísí do Chustaiméirí (Ar an gcéad urlár. Cuideoidh ár gcuid Oifigigh Slándála leat teacht ar shiopaí, Cártaí Bronntanais a cheannach, tuairisc faoi Earraí Caillte & Faighte, eolas faoi chúrsaí taistil agus déileáil le haon cheist nó aon tuairim eile a bheadh agat)
- Complimentary Wi-Fi to all shoppers. (Surf while you shop at the Eyre Square Shopping Centre with our free Wi-Fi Service. Wherever you are in the Center, you have the freedom to connect to the internet for free)
- Wi-Fi saor in aisce dár gcustaiméirí ar fad. (In Ionad na Faiche Móire is féidir leat scimeáil ar an idirlíon agus tú ag siopadóireach tríd ár gCóras Wi-Fi saor in aisce). Tá fáil agat ar an idirlíon saor in aisce is cuma cén áit san ionad ina bhfuil tú)
- First aid (In case of an accident or emergency you’ll be in safe hands. Our security staff are trained in first aid skills and will assist on request.)
- Garchabhair (I gcás timpiste nó éigeandála beidh tú slán sábháilte. Tá ár bhfoireann slándála oilte i gcúrsaí garchabhrach, níl ort ach cúnamh a iarraidh)
- Lifts (For your convenience there are three lifts located next to the entrance/ exit of the Centre to facilitate easy access to all levels.
- Escalators (There are escalators located after the Customer Service Desk on First Floor and beside Dunnes on the Ground Floor)
- Staighra beo (Ta staighra beo suite tar aris na Deisce um Sheirbhsa do Chustaimaira ar an gCead Urlair agus le hais siopa Dunnes ar Urlair na Talan)
- Toilets (Our clean, spacious toilets (and disabled toilets) can be found on the ground floor, next to the Whitehall entrance /exit)
- Disabled toilet facilities (We have a disabled toilet to make your experience at the centre hassle-free. The disabled Toilet is immediately accessible from the toilet area lobby on the ground floor.)
- Baby changing suite.
- Accessibility (Here at Eyre Square Shopping Centre we understand the needs of our disabled customers, we constantly strive to make your shopping experience with us a happy, effortless and enjoyable one.)
- Shop and Drop
- Indoor car parking (Q Park)